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1. Equipment for material synthesis

(a) Pulverisette 6 planetary mill with a set of agate vessel and agate balls

(b) МС-1 micromortar

(c) А30 vibrational testing screen

(d) ВТ-30Т vibration exciter

(e) "Averon EVP” vaccum furnaces with ВН 2.4 pump

(f) furnace with sylite heaters


(g) 15.1750 furnace (Thermokeramika, Russia) with chromite-lanthanum heaters

(h) СУОЛ-0,4.4/12-М2 low-gradient tube furnace

(i) drying boxes СНВ-4, СН-2 (Electroinstrument, Russia)


(j) hydraulic presses KMG-50A (50 tons, Spain) and 5.2125 (10 tons, Russia)

(k) high-precision saw  Isomet 4000

2. Equipment for scientific investigations

(a)  Shimadzu XRD-6000 - X-ray diffraction analysis

(b)  Horiba LA-950 - Laser scattering particle size distribution analysis

(c)  Nova 1200e, Quantachrome - Surface area and pore size analysis

(d) Netzsch «Jupiter» STA 449 F1 Jupiter  - DSC and ST analyses

(e)  Netzsch DIL 402 C horizontal dilatometer

f) Potentiostat IPC-Pro MF  

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